Deep Self

Our psyches are like ecosystems, containing diverse interconnected parts that belong together.  Our true nature is always more than just the roles we play, our habits, or even who we think we are.  A deep understanding of your psyche will help you keep it in balance and running smoothly.  It will give the clarity to shape your life in alignment with your authentic identity and purpose. The great thing is there is always more to discover.

  • Self-Mapping

    Explore in-depth the innate characteristics, patterns, and images through which fundamental aspects of your psyche are expressed.

  • Discovery

    Dive deeper into the wilderness of your psyche.  Open yourself to new revelations of its mysteries and treasures.

  • Embodiment

    Self-understanding from the mapping and discovery phases becomes the foundation for growing into possibilities and taking meaningful action.

Areas of Focus

  • Life Vision

    Gain a deep understanding of your identity through self-mapping and discovery processes.  This will help you recognize your path and know how to bring all the parts of yourself together to create the life you are meant to live.

  • Creativity

    Take your creative projects to the next level by sourcing them in the wellsprings of your own creative genius.  Refine your voice and find your muse.

  • Health and Healing

    Mobilize inner and outer forces to nourish the health of your whole self and to activate healing processes.

  • Nature and Soul

    Nature has the power to nourish, heal, and teach.  It is even possible for core gifts and mysteries of the soul to be revealed through deep attunement to nature.